Doing what I do best...(sitting around looking weird, heh heh).
As you can tell my primary interest is my 79 Dodge Li'l Red Express. I also like to watch NHRA Drag Racing, and drink an occasional beer (Newcastle, Shiner, Guiness, or Sam Adams). Real busy social life isn't it.
I usually keep to myself when I'm around "strangers", but when I'm with friends or family I like to cut up (especially with my brother). Our parents had each of us (3 in all) about 1 year apart, married in 71, had my sister in 72, me in 73, and my brother in 74. My brother and I had to share one room. This caused some conflicts on occasion, but mostly it was only a messy room (much to the aggravation of our Mom). My brother and I spent a lot of time joking around as we got older, and we have some interesting nicknames for each other now, and more than a few stories.
We shared a common "car", a 1973 Chrysler New Yorker, complete with a 440 V-8 (that's a 7.2L engine in today's somewhat metric world). That car grew on us as the years went by, it had been in the family since sometime in the early 80's. It was a tank (big and heavy), and could be a little "interesting" when driving around corners too quickly. There was one thing that always made us laugh at the car though (may it R.I.P.), when you floored it it would make this low gutteral "HAAAAAAAAH" sound. This would have been all right if the engine was still in good shape, manly because it would have accelerated then. Not in this case though, it was tired, it would usually just make a lot of noise and maybe a slight increase in acceleration. There was one time when our Dad was driving and it was running too hot (knocked some rust loose in the coolant due to hitting a wheel some time before) and when he floored it in oncoming traffic all it did was go "HAAAAaaaaaaaah" as the engine slowed DOWN instead of speeding up. My brother does the best recreation of this sound. All he has to do is make the sound and we all start to laugh. I'll have to get him to record it sometime. One time while driving to the orthodontist I floored it while starting to pass a pedestrian, it made it's usual sound, and scared the crap out of that kid. The look on his face was priceless.
To most people I'm (we are?) a little "weird", and I have proof that I don't exist in the same space-time continuum as the rest of the human race.
I'm presently an unemployed engineer, I recently graduated (do wonders ever cease?!) from Texas A&M pursuing my B.S. (too many tired old jokes) in Computer Engineering (combination of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering). I graduated from North Garland High School in 1991. I then went to Richland College (got pretty far from home didn't I!). In the summer of 1994 I got the bright idea to go send my resume in response to an add in the Dallas Morning News. To my surprise they called a few weeks later wanting an interview and a few more details on my programming experience. Two interviews later I had a job working as a programmer for a measly 21K a year, I figured it would be good experience for future programming jobs. I thought I could work 40+ hours and still go to school. I managed to take Calculus III at night and passed. The next semester I attempted to take Physics 202 (Electricity, Magnetism, and Optics) with one of the worst profs. After several quizzes where all I got was 50% credit for just putting my name on the paper and one test later I figured I wasn't going to pull it off. So I just worked instead, I was living at home at the time (lots of ambition!), and saved up for a new car. Jumping ahead to 1998 I transfered down to Texas A&M, and switched from Computer Science to Computer Engineering. I missed Fall of 1999 and Spring of 2000, but I got back to it in Fall 2000.